Build the Dashboard

So you have all of your online channels set up correctly?  The conversions are clear and measurable.  The tracking code is implemented in exactly the right way.  That’s great!  Now it’s time to bring all of that juicy data into one place, so that we can make real decisions.

Not all businesses are the same.  They will have different conversions and therefore metrics that need to be measured.  This is what makes every dashboard different.  We have a client selling wine tours world-wide – their conversion path starts very early in the customer journey.  Let’s face it, most customers aren’t ready to purchase a tour to South America in their first engagement with a brand.  So their conversions, at least in the early stages, are around brochure downloads and trying to secure a Zoom appointment.  Their dashboard will focus heavily on how these conversions are building via their online marketing efforts.

Your dashboard will be customised to your specific needs.  Our technical team will connect your dashboard to each of your online channels and blend your data.  This will allow you to see the total amount you spend on advertising in one figure and the conversions that generates.

We understand that management teams don’t have the team to pour over the detail of their data.  They need to have the key metrics presented to them in a simple, easy to read fashion.  They will look for the general trend of the important metrics and then require a further drill-down into the detail.

Our most important dashboard element always tends to be the visitor source table.  This shows the breakdown of conversions by source, i.e. by organic search, e-mail marketing, paid advertising, social and more.  This allows the management team to judge the relative contribution of each channel to conversions and how that is changing over time.

Let our team discuss this with you in more detail and why not view our demonstration dashboard?