Expert Analytics & Tracking Audit Services – Gain Control and Insight

Empower Your Business with Accurate Data Analytics

In today’s digital landscape, the power of data is undeniable. However, many businesses struggle with outsourced or outdated tracking setups, leading to inaccurate data and missed opportunities. Our bespoke tracking audit services are designed to empower your business with precise, actionable insights.

Comprehensive Analytics and Tracking Audit Services

Our audit service offers a thorough review and overhaul of your existing analytics and tracking systems. We specialise in transitioning to client-owned tracking systems, ensuring your data is accurate, secure, and tailored to your unique business needs. Say goodbye to outdated codes and user accounts, and hello to streamlined efficiency.

Why Choose Our Audit Services: The Advantages

  • Data Control: Gain complete ownership and control over your analytics data.
  • Independence: Break free from dependency on past suppliers.
  • Improved Accuracy: Benefit from precise data tracking and analysis.
  • Tailored Solutions: Receive a tracking system customised to your business model and goals.

Our Process: Ensuring Your Data Works for You

Our audit process begins with an initial assessment of your current setup, followed by a detailed plan to enhance your tracking systems. We then implement the changes, ensuring every step is aligned with your business objectives.

Success Stories: Transforming Data Management

Hear from our clients who have transformed their data management and analytics capabilities through our audit services. Their success stories are a testament to the effectiveness of our approach.

Balcas Energy


Balcas Energy, with four main websites including two e-commerce platforms, needed a sophisticated tracking system to monitor diverse metrics across their digital presence.


We implemented Google Analytics 4 tracking via Google Tag Manager across all sites. This included setting up restricted user access, identifying key events and conversions, and integrating these metrics into a custom dashboard. The dashboard displayed vital data such as visitor numbers, page views, average time on site, transactions, and conversion metrics like quote-to-sale and web visit-to-quote ratios.

Additional Implementations

We enhanced audience tracking through Google Analytics 4 for targeted Google Ads. Integrations were established with Google Ads, Search Console, Merchant Center, MailChimp, and social media channels, ensuring a comprehensive view of all marketing efforts. Strict user definitions were applied to all channels.

Efficient Implementation and Code Management

Streamlined Code for Optimal Performance In implementing the tracking and analytics for Balcas Energy, a key focus was to ensure minimal code bloat on the websites. Despite the large number of metrics tracked across various channels, our approach prioritised efficient code implementation. This careful management not only maintains website speed and search engine performance but also simplifies future updates and changes.
Minimal Code Impact: By using streamlined and optimised code, we avoid slowing down the website, ensuring a better user experience and maintaining search engine rankings.
Ease of Updates: Our centralised system allows for changes to be made easily in one place, reducing the complexity and time required for modifications. This approach is crucial for businesses that need to adapt quickly to changing market conditions or business strategies.

Key Metrics Tracked in Dashboards

Essential Metrics for Informed Decision Making
Google Ads: A crucial metric we track is the return on advertising spend (ROAS). This allows us to identify high-performing campaigns and adjust underperforming ones, optimising the overall advertising strategy.
Google Organic Search: We closely monitor performance against specific search terms vital to the organisation, ensuring visibility and effectiveness in organic search results.
Email Marketing: Recognizing its role as a significant revenue generator, we track the income from each email marketing campaign, along with open rates and click rates. This data helps in fine-tuning the email marketing strategy for maximum impact.
Centralised Data Model All data is collected and maintained in a centralised, best practice model, empowering the client with comprehensive and actionable insights. This approach is fundamental to the success of our online marketing efforts, providing a clear and detailed view of performance across all channels.


The client now has a robust, best-practice analytics setup, providing clear insights into key performance metrics and enabling more effective marketing strategies.

Ready to Take Control of Your Analytics?

If you’re ready to optimise your analytics and tracking systems, fill out our contact form for a consultation. Let’s unlock the full potential of your data together.