
This morning table59 answered this question for brand new tour guides starting off in the sector. The Northern Ireland Tourist Guide Association (NITGA) invited table59 to share some practical tips with the attendees.

Stuart McLean from table59 first of all highlighted why online marketing was really important for tour guides before picking out three practical and straight forward steps they should take.

Step One: Register with Google Places

Check out an earlier table59 bblog on how to register for Google Places.

Step Two: Set up a Website Blog

Given that most customers will not already know you, Google Search becomes really important. It is therefore necessary to have a presence on the Internet which should contain a blog, some information about your background, testimonials and qualifications and of course a really easy way for visitors to contact you!

Step Three: Set up a Facebook Page

Facebook is a referral mechanism and should be linked with your blog, whuch means that a new Facebook post is created every time you publish a new Blog entry. This makes it easier to manage.

This was a fantastic bunch of attendees – thanks to everyone who attended!!